Development Group created by WDFW
In a move by the WDFW
that will authenticate what WA State, the environmentalists and the animal
right’s groups have been promoting for years, will become the next step in
giving way to allowing wolves another foot-hold outside of their natural ranges.
This gives special
credence to the wolf in WA. It will allow them to grow and compete for game and
livestock throughout the state where they will become a nuisance to hunters,
ranchers and property owners.
I remember well what
the people living around
Remember the past
Initiative that took away bear baiting and hound hunting of cats that has played
an immense roll in increasing populations of these two predators without a way
to manage their numbers. Now hunters will have to contend and compete with
wolves for their own existence.
Maybe it’s time to work
with hunter and other organizations from within and outside this state to help
put a stop to this anti madness. You would think that the WA Cattlemen’s
Association and Farm Bureau would also be interested in fighting
Wolf working
group named
From: Public
Sent: Monday, January
08, 2007 3:42 PM
Subject: Wolf
working group named
Internet Address: https://wdfw.
January 8, 2007
Contact: Rocky Beach, (360) 902-2510
Working group named
to develop
state wolf plan
Ten of the working group members are from eastern
The working group members are:
Daryl Asmussen of
Tonasket, cattle rancher
Blankenship of Tenino, Wolf Haven International executive
Duane Cocking of
Jeff Dawson of
Paula J. DelGiudice
of Seattle, sportswoman, National Wildlife Federation Western Natural Resource
Center director
Gerry Ring Erickson of Shelton, former Defenders of Wildlife
Jack Field of Ellensburg, Washington Cattlemen’s
Association executive vice-president
George Halekas of
Kim Holt of Snohomish, Wolf Recovery Foundation
Derrick Knowles of
Colleen McShane of
Ken Oliver of
Tommy Petrie, Jr. of
John Stuhlmiller of Lacey,
Washington Farm Bureau assistant director of government relations
Swannack of Lamont, Washington Sheep Producers president
Bob Tuck of Selah,
consulting biologist, former Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissioner
M. Wiegand of Seattle, retiree, outdoor recreationist
Georg Ziegltrum of
“This is a diverse group of people representing a wide
range of interests that could be affected by future resident wolf populations in
A total of 56 people submitted applications or were
nominated for the working group.
Although gray wolves were largely eradicated in
“If gray wolves are removed from federal species
protection status,
The gray wolf is also designated as a state endangered
species in
The working group will convene next month and will meet
approximately every other month over the coming year. A draft plan is scheduled
for completion by Dec. 30, and will be followed by a public review period. The
final plan is expected by June 30, 2008.
A separate technical advisory group of biologists from
state and federal agencies also will be formed to provide information and
expertise to the citizen working group.